Friday, March 28, 2008

The joy of reading books and listening to them on tape is that i get many more books read.  So for post number two of the day i will tell of the second book i finished today.

When looking at this cover people are probably thinking not another vampire romance novel with lots of unbelievable sex scenes but it is not.  There is no sex in it at all.

Now, i have read many different books on vampires and as i write my blogs you will see a whole bunch of them since i  seem to have a thing for vampires.  This is an interesting take on the vampire world.  There are two types of vampires, the made ones and the born ones.  The made ones ignore the made ones and try and find a born vamp with a good fertility rating.  There is no love in the matches of born vampires.  The main character wants a man of her own but she wants love so she decided to start a dating service to help everyone find what they need.  I making this to complicated.  lets keep it simple.  It was a cute book even though the heroin had a problem with noticing the labels of everyone's clothes. Easy to read and if you like vampires like and need a quick book to read then this is the one for you. 

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