Monday, December 15, 2008
Kinky Boots
The Kingdom and the Elves of the Reaches
I just listened to the series "The Kingdom and the Elves of the Reaches" There are four books in this series with this name and then they continue with four more books with the name of "In the Service of Dragons" Since the second group of four are not available yet to put on my ipod to listen to by my library i have only read the first four.
My opinion of these books are slightly mixed. It is an interesting tale and i do want to keep reading but for a book made for the reading level of ages 9-12 it seemed really complicated. (Yes, I read children's book's sometimes) I am way past 12 and i would sometimes get confused on what was happening from one moment to the next. I got the gist of what happened but i still feel like i missed some minor things that happened in the book. It might of been because i listened to the books instead of reading them but i do not believe so.
I did like the story though and would recommend people to try them out if they have nothing else to read.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Lie with Me
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Trips
Two exciting things in my life at the moment. First, I went to New Jersey to see my friend Ellen and her family. It was really fun because i have missed them terribly and want them to leave New Jersey and come back to Denver where they belong. (OK, they can belong anywhere, i just want them here) Only down point of the trip was the massive sun burn i received the day before i had to fly home. Nothing is sadder then realizing that you can not bring the gallon of lotion onto the plain for your sun burn because they think it is an explosive. Thank god there was a Body Works store on the other side of the security gates. Of course their cream was so oily it gave me a large amount of back zits. , yea.
Second item, is that i am travailing to Austin Texas for the Game Developer Conference on Friday of this week. I am driving down with two 20 year olds. They love to say how they can drive forever and so when i said we will start on Friday night after class, they did not seemed to thrilled. All i can say is that i am not driving 16 hours in one day. I will take a nap after work and drive Friday night. Calab does not work all the time so he can help me drive for goodness sake. OK, i am venting on the idiots but that is because i can right. that is what blogs are for. More venting, the stupid place to stay has driven me around the bend. First, we were going to stay at Brandon's friends place. Me being a girl and older took dibs on the couch and the boys could sleep on the floor. Then his friend's place was sold out from underneath him and we had no place to stay. He was going to see if some of his Church friends would put us up but took to long to get back to us. So, i complained to my dad and said there were a couple of motels about 2 miles from the conference. He said that i should get a room in one of the hotels that are part of the conference no matter how much it is. So that is what i did, doing it for four people since another guy was flying in and was going to stay with us. Then when i told my dad how much it was and he was stunned and said he was thinking of a place that was cheaper and i told him those were the ones that were two miles away and had scary reviews. then the guy who was flying in is not coming and i am not sure if i will be able to get the hotel to lessen the amount on the room since it will be three instead of four. Then, i have decided to fly home instead of drive home because i just want to. SO i looked at the prices and deiced to try and use some of my United Airline miles that i have. I know i have them but i could not find them. After talking to someone at united, i found them and i had 37,000. enough for the ticket i wanted. Since i was only doing one way i had to talk to someone which cost me $25. Then because i did it so late i had to pay another $50. then they said if i wanted to check in any bags it will cost me$15 for the first one and $25 for each one after. so i will be planing on a carry on bag but can we just ahhhh.
So, that is it for now. If work does not pick up soon i will probably add some more later today.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My favorite thing to do with Blogs...
Isn't it neat. I like it. Tick tack toe anyone....
Friday, May 30, 2008
have i mention how little time i have....
Now that i have gotten that off my chest lets talk about a book that i enjoyed reading and the was the Count of Monte Cristo. I had to read this for many reasons. One, it is a classic and i am trying to read more of the classics. two, I saw the movie and wanted to see how they compared. Since I listened to it on CD instead of read it, i figured out really quickly that the two would not be the same since there was 35 discs to listen to. the average book is around 12 discs so that says the Count of Monte Cristo is a really big book. That is OK since it is one of the more easier books to listen to that is classical. For those who do not know what the story is about here is a quick summary. Edmond (a poor but happy young man) is about to marry is love and become caption of his ship. Those that wanted what he had, conspired against him and he was thrown into prison where he stayed for 10 years even though he did nothing wrong. He escapes and seeks revenge on all that betrayed him and help those who tried to help him or his father. You want more detail then that pick up the book and read the back cover.
I read many other books and seen many other movies but I need to go so that is all for now.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
So many books and movies, so little time
Two other movies that i have seen is Sweeney Todd with Johnny Depp and Heavy Metal 2000. Can we say two really opposite movies? Sweeney Todd was interesting with all the singing and it was interesting to realize that the guy who played Borat was in the movie. Of course i did not recognize him at first. He is the barber that Sweeney challenges to a shave off if you did not know. Then Heavy Metal 2000 was a little disappointing since it was only slightly similar to the first Heavy Metal. I was expecting a group of stories revolving around an evil green orb like last time and all i got was one story about a green key that turns the owner mad. Oh well.
I have other things to do and will come back to discuss the books i have read later even though i do not think any one actually reads this but who knows.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Book time
Monday, March 31, 2008
Whole bunch of Movies
What can you say about this movie. It is a Dr. Seuss movie. That should explain it all. I do not remember this tail from when i was a child but the book looked familiar when i looked at the book. My mother said she always liked this book so we probably have it somewhere.
When i saw the preview for this movie i always knew i would like it so i of course saw it in the theaters. It might be my fatalistic look of the future and wondering what the world would be like in the future if something terrible happiness like what happened in this movie. It is violent with a lot blood. I liked the movie a lot.
I think i saw one other movie but i can not remember what it was. So that is about it for now.
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Family Tree
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Night Watch and Day Watch
So this is the movie I watched over the weekend. I saw in the theater when it came out in 2004 and what i liked about it when it came out was what it did with its subtitles. It is a Russian movie if no one figured that out. What they did with the subtitles was make them part of the movie. Like in the beginning when the boy is swimming and he hears a voice calling to him. instead of just hearing the eerie voice the subtitles take on a blood like look to them and float away in the water. Sometimes it even looks like it is blood coming from the boys nose bleed which is the result of the call. Another thing that the subtitles did was when a character screamed at the main character that got big like the were screaming to. So when i rented this movie i as hoping to enjoy these features but it did not even have it spoken in Russian.